Best of the Year

I seem to start a lot of emails and posts with the line “we’re incredibly pleased . . .” but that’s the kind of problem I like having. And now I have to deal with it again because MediaBistro’s eBookNewser has named our Crush It! Vook one of the top ten eBooks of 2025. Crush It! is a title near and dear to our hearts — and one of our top performers — so we were incredibly pleased to see it make the list. I still have vivid memories of being questioned by the police after trying to follow Gary Vaynerchuk into the Meadowlands Stadium with my camera — oh those heady early start up days where you give your elevator pitch to an anti-terror task force — and much of our production team works under the eyes of a framed poster of Gary on the Vook’s cover hanging in our Alameda office. The Crush It! Vook is Vook at its best. Though we’ve improved in leaps and bounds since our launch, it still speaks to our core mission: pairing a great author (Gary) with a great filmmaker (Lauren Saffa) to create something new and wonderful.

And of course we’re incredibly pleased that eBookNewser agrees.

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