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  • Save Your Good Idea From Being Shot Down

    Tired of people shooting down your ideas? Learn how to get your point across to naysayers and your toughest critics.

    In our latest Vook, Buy-In, John Kotter and Lorne Whitehead reveal the generic attack strategies that opponents deploy. Then, you’ll learn foolproof counter-attacks to ensure your idea is heard–and implemented.

    Tap into their proven strategies for communicating effectively, getting people’s attention, and getting their buy-in for your project.

    Save your good idea now–get Buy-In today on your iphone or ipad.

    How to Make a Million Dollars

    Do you want to make millions of dollars while doing what you love?

    You can, says business guru and online marketing trailblazer Gary Vaynerchuk in his Vook, Crush It. You just need to be prepared to work really, really hard.

    In Crush It, you’ll get the essential tools you need to make your hard work pay off. Find out how to advertise for free, sell anything and expand your customer base every day. In these honest, witty and inspiring videos, you’ll learn how to live your dream–and grow your business.

    You have the power to cash in on your passion. Start now with Crush It in iBooks, or get all other formats here.

    The Secret to Success (Hint: It’s not Luck or Talent)

    Are you aiming for that promotion, looking for a better job, or ready for that raise? In Joe Navarro’s Louder than Words Vook, you’ll discover the skill that’s most essential for success in business–and it’s not what you think.

    The reason why some people are more successful than others isn’t luck or talent, it’s what Navarro calls “non-verbal intelligence”–the ability to interpret and use nonverbal signals in business to assess and influence others.

    The Louder Than Words Vook includes 22 instructional videos that will teach you to recognize these cues and use them to your advantage.

    Get ahead of the curve now–check out Louder Than Words here.

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    In today’s world, speaking a second language is a great advantage. But there’s one widely-used language that you can’t learn with a Rosetta Stone: the language of non-verbal cues. Non-verbal behavior expert Joe Navarro explains that an estimated 80 percent of our communication with others is in unspoken gestures. So if you’re not picking up on those cues, you’re missing a lot. In his Vook, Louder Than Words, Navarro, who has 30 years of research under his belt, explains how to pick up on non-verbal behaviors and decipher what they mean. It’s the kind of insight that can serve you well in business and in life.

    Much of Navarro’s skill was honed during his 25 years in the FBI catching spies, but he’s always had a natural gift for it. (He was one of the only police officers actively recruited by the FBI). Navarro might remind you of another uncannily gifted detective: the legendary Sherlock Holmes. Given their shared knack for picking up on the seemingly imperceptible, Navarro was the perfect expert to feature in our Sherlock Holmes Vook, The Sherlock Holmes Experience.

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    After all, nobody was better at reading clues than Sherlock Holmes, arguably the world’s most talented fictional detective. If you’re a fan of Holmes, you know that at the end of every story, Holmes seems to pull together clues out of thin air to solve a case. But Navarro explains the method behind the madness; Holmes didn’t pull answers out of thin air. He deduced them through careful observation and an excellent understanding of people. Fortunately, you don’t have to be born with those skills, you can learn them.

    That’s why it was so exciting when we teamed up to do Navarro’s book as a Vook. In Louder Than Words, he explains how understanding non-verbal communication helps us to get ahead in all areas of life, especially business. His video on the Sherlock Holmes Vook just scratches the surface, but in his own work, he delves deep into years of research and explains the many possible applications. We could go on and on how how important this is, but maybe you’d rather see for yourself. After all, actions speak louder than words…

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