Anne Rice has created some of the most powerful and captivating vampire stories in literature—and we were overjoyed when she agreed to work with us. Today, you can see why we were so excited with the release of Anne Rice’s The Master of Rampling Gate Vook. We’re thrilled with this title and we want as many people as possible to read it—so for a limited time, we’re discounting the Vook from its $4.99 list price to a special limited time price of only .99 cents.

At only .99 cents, this Vook is a steal. It features a vampire story written at the height of Anne Rice’s fascination with the dark, entrancing creatures. The entire story is enhanced with seven sharp, engaging videos about vampires, the black plague, the gothic style and Anne Rice herself.

Anne Rice has been a critical part of the Vook’s creation, working with our New Orleans based filmmaker Phinizy Percy to make videos that add a whole new element to the story. Phinizy’s creative vision fit seamlessly with Anne’s. As he told us, “My favorite part of working on the Master of Rampling Gate Vook had to be listening to all of Anne Rice’s interview from her home in Rancho Mirage. The experience of the reader is not only enhanced by both relevant background and history, but also hearing directly from Anne Rice. Seeing her “at work,” provides so much more depth and realism to the story.”

Don’t miss this incredible Vook. Check it out in the iTunes store. Or go to Vook.com to pick up the Web version. Either way, prepare to immerse yourself in a haunting, seductive tale from Anne Rice, packed with videos that give you a new and captivating look into her world.


Team Vook 
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