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  • Vook’s holiday present to you

    Starting today and running through the weekend, we’re dropping the price of the Sherlock Holmes Experience iPhone app to $0.00! That’s right: the iTunes app is FREE.

    Why? Well, we’re getting into the holiday spirit. If you’re like us, you might cap your big holiday meal with a family trip to the local movie theater. We’ve got our eye on Sherlock Holmes — who better to portray the amateur violinist, occasional drug dabbler and coolly detached great detective than Robert Downey Jr? We’re especially looking forward to the film because we’ve learned so much about the world of Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock, thanks to our Sherlock Holmes Experience Vook. We announced the vook version of two classic Holmes stories — “The Man with the Twisted Lip” and “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” — a few weeks ago and the response has been outstanding. In fact, the Sherlock Holmes Experience Vook is a staff favorite in the Apple iTunes store — which means we’re not the only ones who think it’s great!

    We wanted to share Sherlock with you this holiday. Maybe you’ll get an iPod Touch for Christmas or an iPhone for hanukkah and you’ll want a cool app to show off your new device. Maybe you want to see Sherlock and bring the stories with you to the theater. Maybe you just want to try a vook and haven’t had the chance. Whatever your interest, we want you to have Sherlock for free. No strings attached, no email receipt, no passwords. We’re making it free. Just click here and you can get the iPhone app of Sherlock Holmes for FREE. Or go to Vook.Com to get the Browser version.

    We’re sure you’ll enjoy The Sherlock Holmes Experience Vook. Drop us a line and let us know what you think of the app and of the movie. You can write us anytime at [email protected]

    Happy Holidays,

    Team Vook

    ADDENDUM: A slight revision to this post: We’re making the iTunes App completely free, but the Browser version we’re going to offer for .99 cents. At .99 cents, the Browser based Sherlock Vook is more than a steal—15 great videos and two classic Holmes AND a completely hyperlinked text, all for less than a dollar. And the iTunes Sherlock App remains FREE. So check them out today. You can get the iTunes app in the iTunes store and the browser based Vook is available at vook.com.

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    Related posts:

    1. The Sherlock Holmes Experience
    2. WE MEANT — 20,000 Sherlock Downloads!
    3. Free Apps for “You Day”
    5. Vook, the iPad and the Dawn of Mixed Media

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