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  • Tastes pretty good, add some salt

    We tasted our own cooking at Vook on Wednesday. Each and every employee spent the day with the new Vook platform, creating their own eBooks. Wow, what fun!
    The purpose was four fold:
    1. A bug tracking contest. Awards and prizes were dished out to those who found the most bugs. We stress tested the technology.

    2. A trial run for on-ramping partners. This was a dress rehearsal for training — and it helped us perfect the process for giving the keys to our publishing partners and authors so they can easily access the platform and begin creating exceptional eBooks.
    3. Experimented with our Love+Support functionality. We are building a community of eBook creators to make everyone’s job easier by allowing you to collaborate with your peers in the sometimes difficult process of producing quality eBooks.
    4. Tested the UX to insure that it is as easy to use as we are promising.

    The result? Our team created some spectacular eBooks.

    Our engineers and product pros have created a wonderful platform for producing eBooks. It has some kinks, but our engineers and UX folks are working tirelessly to deliver a great experience to our private beta testers who will begin producing eBooks next month.
    These are exciting times at Vook, and we will soon show our handiwork to the world.

    If you would like to join us in this adventure, sign up at Vook.

    http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/digg_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/reddit_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/stumbleupon_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/delicious_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/google_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/facebook_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/yahoobuzz_16.png http://vook.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/twitter_16.png

    Related posts:

    2. Vook’s Love+Support Network
    3. Vook is Hiring an Illustrator/Animator
    4. Vook seeks Creative and User Experience Director
    5. MotherVook 2.0, our digital printing press

    One Comment

    1. [...] over the last two days, searching high and low for bugs, defects and sloppy user experiences. This is our second internal attempt at breaking the system and finding ways to improve the product. Yesterday, everyone at Vook created multiple eBooks. Some [...]

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