A colleague linked me recently to an article on The State of eBook Typography. One interesting takeaway: except for devices like the new iPad (a.k.a. iPad 3), device display technology has yet to catch up with print, sometimes making text hard to read. When I’m reading eBooks on some devices, I tend to turn the text size way up. While ultimately your reader’s device and font size are out of your control, Vook does make it easy to get a gorgeously-designed digital Read more…

This is the second post in an on-going, multi-part series about Vook’s powerful text styling capabilities. Read Part 1, and make sure to stay tuned into our blog for weekly updates. Last week I showed you how to use quotes and tip boxes. Today’s topic is… Captions Did you know that captions created with Vook always stay on the same page as their images? All you need to do is let Vook know what is a caption and what isn’t. To Read more…

It’s widely reported that eBooks are a growing trend. In the United States, 1 of every 4 adults own either an e-reader or a tablet. This goes beyond devices, as readership of eBooks doubled in just six months, according to The Association of American Publishers. While the US may be getting the most industry attention, eBook readership is also on the rise in foreign markets. With this trend, authors are increasing their efforts to reach a global audience. By making Read more…
Our VookMakers can do the work for you. Users call Vook “super easy-to-use,” but we get that not everyone’s into DIY publishing. So today we’re launching our VookMakers program. Our VookMakers are eBook experts who will build your eBook, send you review copies, incorporate your feedback, and realize your vision. Last week, a publisher contacted us with ten eBooks he didn’t have the resources to build himself. After we connected him to a VookMaker, he had eBooks to review in a day. Read more…

Vook has an unparalleled ability to create great-looking eBooks. It’s all thanks to our Style editor—a proprietary tool that empowers you to edit and create a stylesheet without knowing any code. This week and the next, I’m going to show you tips for unlocking the Style editor’s full capabilities for designing text—everything from setting the margins to controlling the spacing between lines. Today, we’re going to focus on tip boxes and block quotes. Tip boxes are like callouts or sidebars inside textbooks: they Read more…

We surveyed our users last week—and hundreds of them rushed to tell us what they thought of Vook. A big thanks to all respondents; the winner of the free Professional account is our user Tonya Gupta (congrats Tonya!). When we reviewed the survey, two comments came up with stunning frequency: 1) Our users love our product. They call it “elegant” “easy to use” “incredibly well designed” and “so simple”. 2) Our users need more flexible pricing. A vast majority of Read more…