We are very excited to announce that Vook superstar Lizzy Ha, who was instrumental in developing our “Reckless Road” Vook among many other projects, is one of 12 winners in The New Yorker’s fourth Eustace Tilley contest.
Recruiting a new team from scratch is one part of the start-up puzzle. A time lapse video would capture the manic experimentation that goes into this process; no recipe exists when the company you are building is in an entirely new category where there are no legacy practices to follow. All of which brings me to Vook. One part video, one part book and one part social media, all put together into a single experience. Imagine a Japanese chef working Read more…
We’re serious book lovers at Vook – one of our producers just read 2666 between takes on a long shoot – but we also love, obsessively follow and make movies and online video. That expertise will set Vook apart from other e-book creators: We understand books and video culture. Now we’re combining those mediums into a new experience that will really make words pop. As we scour the Internet for inspiration, a few projects stand out. Once a week, we’re Read more…