Anne Rice’s Vook Experience

It’s a fact: Vampires are back and bigger than ever. And while we certainly owe some of the resurgence to Twilight, there’s another vampire expert getting some serious attention right now: Anne Rice. Why? Because she took a plunge into the realm of mixed media and made a Vook — The Master of Rampling Gate.  Now, as an early adopter of the Vook, her vampires are in the news in a big way. Even celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who hardly ever writes about books, took note of the launch with a post called “Why Didn’t Stephanie Meyer Get This Memo” asking, “Seriously, Twilighters: how come you guys don’t have cool shiz like this?”

Anne already had a great fan base, but she needed to spark interaction on her social media sites. She has a staggering 57,000 followers on Facebook and over 10,000 followers on Twitter. The Master of Rampling Gate Vook was an immense draw that got readers interested, engaged and effusive. When she hosted an online chat with her Facebook fans, they were beyond enthusiastic both about Rice herself, and The Master of Rampling Gate. One fan gushed, “There were so many great features. It was beautifully produced and I think the video and pictures set a great atmosphere for appreciating the story.” Another observed, “Vook is a fabulous outlet for contemporary novelists.”

Not only were Rice’s fans thrilled, but so was the author herself. She would certainly agree that Vook was great outlet, not just as medium for creative innovation and inspiration, but also as a way to reconnect with her audience.  She was delighted with the new and exciting benefits her Vook offered her as an author, and effused, “I would love to write another story for Vook. Very exciting. No doubt we will be talking about this in the future!

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  • [...] which is not only wise but inevitable for any publisher in this digital age. Vook’s latest blog post describing a Facebook fanpage chat with Anne Rice and her fans (she just released a Vook of her own) sums up the notion: [Anne Rice] would certainly agree that [...]

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