Stacy Waters. Producer Extraordinaire.

You know when a movie is so rich, so well told, so incredibly filmed and so well acted that you forget who you are and for a moment live inside of it? Well, that experience is what Stacy Waters creates. She weaves magic — she takes a story and translates it beautifully and seamlessly into a stacy watersvisual experience. And lucky for us (and for you!) she is our Director of Content Development. So, when you launch that vook and marvel at how it seamlessly and beautifully integrates video and text, you will know to thank Stacy and the wonderful filmmakers and teams from TurnHere that she works with to make the magic happen!

Stacy joins Vook from an impressive background of projects. She’s an award winning producer who’s created programs for numerous cable and broadcast channels including NBC, PBS and The Travel Channel.  Stacy was formerly Producer of Special Projects at the San Francisco NBC affiliate and Executive Producer of programming at a non-profit. As a Producer and Manager of creative media projects, both sides of her brain are always working. One side is highly creative, looking for visual ways to tell stories, brainstorming new approaches, and seeking out collaboration with innovative and talented people. The other side is the meticulous manager who can move a project beyond the creative brainstorming to a great final product.

If you haven’t caught on yet, one thing every person on the Vook team brings is PASSION. As Stacy put it to me, “It’s not often you get an opportunity to work on something truly groundbreaking – perhaps even revolutionary. Vook is all that. For me personally, it takes two things I love – books and video – and puts them together in a way that few (if any!) have imagined before. It also allows me to work with incredible filmmakers and outstanding authors – and watch them work together to bring books to life to create this new thing called Vook. The creative energy involved in this process is awesome -  we really are creating a whole new experience here.” When that is your “9-5er” it starts to seem less like a job, and more like a way to live!

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