It’s widely reported that eBooks are a growing trend. In the United States, 1 of every 4 adults own either an e-reader or a tablet. This goes beyond devices, as readership of eBooks doubled in just six months, according to The Association of American Publishers. While the US may be getting the most industry attention, eBook readership is also on the rise in foreign markets. With this trend, authors are increasing their efforts to reach a global audience. By making Read more…

One in four Americans now owns an e-reader or tablet (Pew Research) and eBook users read 60% more books. That’s a powerful combination that’s changing the publishing industry as we know it. Just how much? See for yourself… Courtesy of: CreditDonkey Have you seen any other great eBook stats lately? Send them our way!
Jason Ashlock, President of Movable Type Management, is trying to perfect “just-in-time publishing.” Movable Type released a book about Linsanity within six days of him becoming a national sensation. Similarly, they quickly put together a book for opening day for the Mets and for the 5th anniversary of the Virginia Tech Massacre. They are developing expertise at working with authors to quickly put together timely and topical eBooks using Vook. We sat down with Jason to discuss how he does this: Read more…

The word “book” used to have a very clear meaning. You could pick it up and flip through the pages and you usually got it at a physical book store. Today, Kindles, iPads, Nooks and other devices are changing the way we read. They’re also pushing the publishing industry to discover more innovative ways to create and deliver books online. We wanted to give you a brief overview of what’s available right now: eBooks: These are the most common form of Read more…

If you’re a blogger, you’re already putting out great content on a regular basis. You have readers who care about what you write and maybe even respond with thoughtful comments. Why would you ever need a book when you have all that? Well, we’ll give you a few reasons… It increases your credibility. Lavie Margolin found that publishing a book helped establish her as an expert, saying “I have been in over 40 media outlets since my book was published including Read more…
Ok, we might be biased, but eBooks are the greatest invention since . . . well, the book itself. . But, you don’t have to take our word for it. We highlighted some of the top stories in digital publishing this week so you could see for yourself: eBook users read 60% more books. Given that reading can make your smarter (seriously, check it out,) we think anything that encourages more reading is great. Yes, it may be that current eBook readers Read more…

Brian Brushwood’s book Scam School Book 1 went from notes to a published, best-selling eBook in just six weeks. With a true success story like that we knew we had to get Brian to agree to share his secrets. Luckily, in addition to being able to “win free drinks, impress the girl, and become the center of the party,” he’s also a great guy and we got on the phone with him and his associate producer, Jon Tilton, to discuss Read more…

Saying someone “wrote the book” on a subject has become a turn of phrase to mean you know everything about a subject. So why not literally write the book on your area of expertise? We think you’ll be surprised how much writing a book can help you and your business. It establishes you as an expert in the field. A big part of the battle for many small businesses is establishing they are the best in the market. Stacey Hanke Read more…