eReader market ready to explode

We certainly saw that last week at BEA – with newer, cheaper devices from Cooler and BEbook starting to steal a little of the thunder from the Kindle and Sony readers.

Now, this week, a new report from Forrester that points to growing market for eBooks and eReader devices.

So why the growth?

Epps acknowledges that Forrester’s initial reaction to the Kindle as a niche device that would only attract a small number of book-loving early adopters underestimated the fact that consumers would fall in love with the Kindle’s one-step shopping system and the immediate gratification of buying books in the Kindle store…

Of course what was most of interest to us at Vook was the prediction that by Q4 2024 we’ll be seeing video enabled readers hitting the market.


Here’s hoping it’s sooner than that!

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