
eBooks are a Powerful Way for Brands to Share their Stories

July 15, 2024

Vook’s “mission” in life is to light up the content of the world’s best storytellers.

For us, the concept of a “storyteller” is broad.

The “storytellers” we work with include some of the world’s best authors, publishers, and media companies — where storytelling is at the heart of what they do. We’ve produced new and innovative reading experiences with them, for their diverse audiences. From compelling ideas and philosophies to step-by-step cooking instructions and in-depth analysis of news events, we’ve tried to combine video, images, and a great story, to be something greater than the sum of these parts.

Most recently, we partnered with a major company wanting to tell a different kind of story. As noted in The New York Times today,  Google is offering marketing ideas, in the form of an eBook that we created. Google’s Managing Director of U.S. Sales, Jim Lecinski, wrote Winning the Zero Moment of Truth, which aims to convince marketers — those who might benefit from the tools that Google offers — that consumers will make purchase decisions long before seeing a product on the shelves of the store. We were pleased that Google chose Vook to help tell this story.

In a similar vein, the brands that consumers love have done so because they have consistently and convincingly told the story behind their products. And they’ve done so through various media.

Brands like Coca-Cola have created museums to share their history.

Brands like Moleskine have included an inspirational cards with every product they sell, transforming a notebook into a writing experience.

Brands like Starbucks, whose CEO Howard Schultz’s recent book, Onward, was distributed in every Starbucks store, as a way to recapture Starbucks’ founding spirit.

In the case of Starbucks, what better way to foster a one-on-one, intimate experience that connects consumers with the product they’ve purchased, than through a book all about that company’s values?

It’s not too far a stretch to imagine that other brands could use eBooks as a way to document and tell their story – be it how to make a perfect espresso or the compelling life trajectory of the athletes who use their products, or even simply how other consumers have come to love their products. Whether offered for free or as a paid eBook, there are hundreds of thousands of devotees of these brands – Starbucks, Patagonia, Levi’s – whose fans can’t get enough of the stories these companies tell. The Vooks that we create, as it turns out, are a powerful medium for just that.