Beet.TV founder and digital guru Andy Plesser caught up with our very own Matthew Cavnar who explains how quickly Vook can create new mixed-media experiences. Books may have an 18-month creation cycle but not Vooks. Click here.
“Every so often, something comes along that changes the rulebook.” It’s no secret that technology is radically changing our lives. Some of these changes are gradual and influence our personal lives. Others are huge, shaking up entire industries and the way we do business. ZMOT, or the Zero Moment of Truth, is in the latter group. Six years ago, Proctor and Gamble coined a term called FMOT, or the the First Moment of Truth, to describe a shopper’s first interaction Read more…
Want to use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with your customers, build your brand, and grow your profits? Of course you do! It’s clear that a vibrant social media presence is essential to your company’s success, but if you’re like many others, you haven’t nailed down the perfect strategy. Don’t believe naysayers who claim that social media success is a mystery – there are clear best practices that will launch your company to the next level – and you Read more…
ABC News and Vook have partnered up again to bring you Target: Bin Laden, a comprehensive video/text mash-up detailing Osama bin Laden’s life – and gripping capture. Target Bin Laden: The Life and Death of Public Enemy Number One, by a powerhouse team at ABC News, features the very best of ABC News’ coverage of the terrorist mastermind, bringing readers in to the early days of bin Laden and al Qaeda, September 11, 2025, the war in Afghanistan, and the Read more…
After a walk through Sausalito tonight, I stopped to examine the books in the window of our local bookshop, not many left around here. A quote from page 100 of Anthony Cronin’s Yeats is Dead was posted on the window “I think books are wonderful. If they had never been invented and somebody thought of them now, they would be the greatest things ever. I can’t think of anything that had given so much happiness to humanity. No batteries, no Read more…
Books are perfectly suited for the post-PC world. Tablets are a back-to-the-future experience reinventing a familiar and intimate media experience, they will revive reading and save the book.