
Business & Investing

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  • Business & Investing

    The Little Big Things: Leadership

    Tom Peters' new vook, The Little BIG Things: Leadership, is a compendium of ways to pursue excellence. Its main message is that LEADERSHIP is the result of... More

    The Little Big Things: You

    Tom Peters' new vook, The Little BIG Things: You, is a compendium of ways to pursue excellence. Its main message is that the best version of YOU is the... More

    C-Scape: Conquer the Forces Changing Business Today

    Are you part of the digital media revolution or just a bystander? Download "C-Scape: Conquer the Factors Changing Business Today" now to learn how the... More

    The Little Big Things: Enterprise

    Tom Peters' new vook, The Little BIG Things: Service, is a compendium of ways to pursue excellence. Its main message is that SERVICE is the result of many... More

    Habit 5: Empathic Listening: The Key To Communication

    In "Habit 5 -Empathic Listening: The Key To Communication," Stephen R. Covey explores the idea of communication as mutual understanding. Using what Covey... More

    Help! My Business Sucks!

    'Help! My Business Sucks!' is a free, weekly web TV show that helps entrepreneurs to “get more done and have more fun." Hosted by maverick marketer Andrew... More

    Inspire! Why Customers Come Back

    Jim Champy revolutionized business with Reengineering the Corporation. Now, in Inspire!, the second book in a series about what's new and really works in... More

    Leadership: Unleashing Talent

    Stephen R. Covey is an internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant and author who has dedicated his... More