Style Editor

5 Easy Steps for Using the Style Editor

  1. Select which style sheet to edit using the “Style to edit” drop-down menu. Start with the default.css or choose one of our templates.
  2. Set some basic settings in the Global pane.
  3. Get more specific in “Chapter title styles”, “Text styles”, “Images” and “Tip boxes” panes.
  4. Style Type, Spacing and Lines (borders). You can also add Effects like Drop shadows and Rounded corners. Different options will available depending on what you’re styling.
  5. Your changes are reflected in the sample text on the left.

Global, Chapter Title Styles, and Test Styles

Any changes you make in the Global pane affect all of your text at once. This is a good place to set the default font.

Select more specific elements in the “Chapter title styles” pane and in the “Text styles” container. In the “Text styles” pane, you can style paragraphs, headers, lists, and more. In the “Chapter styles” pane, you style chapter titles and labels.

A few of your options for styling text:
  • Add Spacing around an element.
  • Add Lines (borders) above or below an element.
  • Change the Typeface. Right now, you can choose between Liberation Serif and Liberation Sans fonts, but you’ll be able to choose from more fonts in the future.
  • Change the text color. For a cool effect, choose a light text color and a dark highlight.
  • Images

    In the Images pane you can:
    • Set whether images should span the width of the screen or maintain their native sizes. (Change “Image placement” from “100% width” to “As imported”.)
    • Add spacing above and below your images.
    • Add a border around your images.
    • Round the corners of your images.
    • Add a drop shadow around your images.

    More Resources