Publishing an eBook Start to Finish: 5 Tips from a Pro
by Allison Horton on
Unlike the writing process, marketing your book requires more than inspiration and commitment (though both help!). Marketing is tricky—if you want to succeed, look to the leaders. Author and publishing pro Ariane de Bonvoisin is one and she's shared with Vook some often overlooked pieces of advice. Ariane just released What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Writing a Book, a start-to-finish guide that applies to print and eBooks alike. Some of the topics covered are: self-publishing vs. getting a publisher, negotiating eBook rights with that publisher, book proposals, cover design, social media marketing, and more. Here are five not-so-obvious tips:
Getting started: the book proposal
"Aspiring writers spend far too much time writing their book and not enough on the actual book proposal," Ariane tells Vook. If you're looking for a publisher or agent, make sure you have a stellar proposal.
Thinking ahead: it's never too early for social media
For publishers, "you will need a great chapter to show you can write," advises Ariane, "but it's as important to focus on your social media platform, getting your name out there, and building a network. Publishers want to know you will help sell the book and don't only expect them to do that part of the work."
In the trenches: writing the book
"Writing is re-writing," says Ariane in her book. "Expect to re-write things dozens of times, so don't be attached to anything. A word, paragraph, chapter, order, character, name...everything can change."
Get that eBook up for sale
"The speed at which you can write up your masterpiece as an ebook and see it published is amazing!" Ariane tells Vook. Another advantage of publishing an eBook: "You can start being an expert in your field, get the credibility you need and make some money from your gifts in hardly any time."
It's not over yet: marketing your eBook
A game plan is key. Build a marketing activities calendar and allocate your time accordingly. "Many writers are surprised how little press and marketing follows after they've put in all this effort to get their books published," notes Ariane. In addition to social media, consider email marketing, press outreach, blogging, and speaking events (covered in Ariane' book).
See the Table of Contents below for all of the topics covered in What I Wish Someone Had Told Me, and purchase the eBook on Vook's store to learn more!