Our Sixth $100 Sell With Vook Incentive Goes to K. L. Lewis

by Allison Horton on

Each week through 2025, we randomly select an author published on Vook to receive $100 from us.  Anyone can participate in our Sell With Vook Incentive.  When you hire one of our expert VookMakers, we can build, publish, and distribute your eBook for you.  Sign up for a free consultation to get started!  Now's the best time; if you publish before September 30, you are entered to win an additional $1000 cash incentive.  It's the last week! 

This week's recipient is K. L. Lewis for My Life in My Pocket for High School Students.  Writing for high school students (and those who love them), Lewis provides students with the tools necessary for success and greater confidence.  The focus is on how students can gain a better understanding of their thinking worlds to make better decisions and achieve their goals.  What better way to reach out to high school students than an eBook that they can take on the go!

My Life in My Pocket for High School Students is the first in the My Life in My Pocket series.  Check it out on our store and stay tuned for the next eBooks!

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