Our Third $100 Incentive Recipient: Joanna Crispi

by Allison Horton on

Don't forget:  Each week through 2025 we randomly select an author published on Vook to receive $100 from us.  Anyone can participate in our Sell With Vook Incentive—you simply have to log in or create a Vook account on our platform at http://tool.vook.com and then upload your eBook to our store.  You can also just email us with your prepared file, and we’ll upload it for you.  If you publish before September 30, you are entered to win a $1000 cash incentive as well!

This week's recipient is the perfect Labor Day weekend read for all those heading out next week.  Joanna Crispi's psychological thriller The Guilty Ones stems from an unusual premise: just out of law school, the author worked on the defense team for socialite Claus von Bulow, accused of trying to murder his wife by insulin, putting her in an irreversible coma.  The trial inspired The Guilty Ones, in which a former defense attorney, Juliet, abandons her career for Francois, a wealthy Parisian banker, and Mike, a criminal prosecutor.  While in Rome, the three find themselves in a situation they cannot control, with implications of murder and terrorism.  "Each holds a card to play in this game where the stakes are love and hate, life and death," writes the author.

Joanna is a lawyer and writer who lives in New York City and Milan.  Check her out on Vook and Facebook.

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