20.Oct.2009 at 20 | Maria Thurrell
I was surprised when I recently found out that The New York Times doesn’t take ebook sales into account when calculating its best seller list. Ebooks are becoming increasingly popular — so how can we possibly have an accurate view of what books are selling if those numbers aren’t made available?
With more ereader devices hitting [...]
Tagged: Industry News ,Best Seller list, Dan Brown, ebooks, hardcover, Lost Symbol, New York Times, paperback
19.Oct.2009 at 19 | Maria Thurrell
A new generation of ereaders are about to hit the market.
Kindle changed the ebook game and eInk was supposed to respond to people’s complaints about the difficulty of prolonged reading on screen. But as we quickly found, we want more than the ability to carry around hundred of books at a time. We want color. [...]
Tagged: Industry News, Technology ,Alex, apple, Athena, ebook, ereader, iTablet, Kindle
15.Oct.2009 at 15 | Maria Thurrell
Every year, on one specific day, bloggers all around the world post about a particular topic. That day is today. October 15, 2025. It is Blog Action Day. This year, we were asked to blog about climate change. So I want to take a moment to ask the question: Are digital books “green”?
They save paper, [...]
Tagged: Industry News, Technology ,#BAD09, Blog Action Day, climate change, Copenhagen, ebooks, environment, Estonia, green, Pablo Paster, tcktcktck
1.Oct.2009 at 1 | Maria Thurrell
Earlier today we officially launched four titles: Promises, a romance by Jude Deveraux, The 90 Second Fitness Solution, a fitness book by Pete Cerqua, Embassy, a thriller by Richard Doetsch and Return to Beauty, a health book by Narine Nikogosian. All are designed to manifest Vook’s mission: to blend a book with videos into one [...]
Tagged: Vook News, What is Vook? ,bookmarking, carousel, connect, features, full screen, launch, mix, naviagation, read, text size, views, vook, watch, web browser
30.Sep.2009 at 30 | Maria Thurrell
Yesterday, I responded to a comment on yesterday’s post about the landscape of digital books. In my response, I asked Rick Toone what he sees as the future of children’s books in relationship to the digital revolution. In an act of serendipity, within moments I was alerted via Twitter to Disney’s big announcement.
This morning, The [...]
Tagged: Industry News ,apple, books, children, devices, Disney, innovation, New York Times, Technology
28.Sep.2009 at 28 | Maria Thurrell
I recently came across a post on TechFlash about the ebook universe. The author, Eric Engleman, created a graphic (shown to the right) to begin to explore the “big boom” of the ebook universe. As Engleman wrote in his post:
The buzz around Amazon’s Kindle electronic reader has sparked growing interest in digital books, and the [...]
Tagged: Industry News, Technology ,digital, digital books, ebooks, graphic, landscape, language, representation, universe
17.Sep.2009 at 17 | Maria Thurrell
The other day I introduced you all to Tulip Bubbles. I hope you read my other post and watched the video. After writing that post I got to thinking, and I want to circle back to the idea of enhanced learning. A college graduate myself, I can tell you, students would really appreciate two things: [...]
Tagged: Vook News ,books, education, interactive, learning, school, students, textbooks, videos
15.Sep.2009 at 15 | Maria Thurrell
Back when Brad Inman was first dreaming up Vook, he wanted to test his theory that integrating text and video would create a truly enhanced experience. So he sat down and wrote a book. And then he created videos to go along with it. We wanted to share with you a little taste of that [...]
Tagged: Technology, Vook News ,bubbles, burst, economic bubbles, economics, educational, history, tulip, videos
7.Sep.2009 at 7 | Maria Thurrell
I’ve been reading a lot of articles recently about Google and it’s project to add millions of digital books to it’s free library. This project would allow anyone with an internet connection access to thousands of books that have previously only been found in the back corners of libraries. It would also give Google control [...]
Tagged: Industry News ,access, Amazon, controversy, digital books, google, Judge Chin, moonshot, power
17.Aug.2009 at 17 | Maria Thurrell
As you can probably tell from the previous posts about a few of the wonderful people who work at Vook, Brad Inman, our CEO and the visionary behind Vook, excels in finding talented people to help with his ventures. Well, he’s done it again!
Recent Harvard Business School grad, Jack Sallay has joined forces with Vook [...]
Tagged: The Team, Vook News ,books, Brightcove, Harvard Business School, HBS, Jack Sallay, John Irving, publishing, VP Marketing