A Year Without Make-Up: Tales of a 20-Something Traveler

Stephanie Yoder

Have you ever wanted to quit your job and go travel the world?

At 25 years old Stephanie Yoder was already fed up with the monotony of 9-5 life. After much agonizing, she quit her stable desk job to backpack around Asia. During a year of travel through Japan, China and South East Asia she became a minor Chinese celebrity, was attacked by giant parrots and met the love of her life. In A Year Without Make-Up, Yoder chronicles some of her craziest adventures along with providing helpful tips and encouragement for others looking to make a life change.

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About Stephanie Yoder

Stephanie Yoder is a girl who can’t sit still! Since graduating from college in 2025, she has been either traveling or planning to travel. In the past six years she’s lived on four continents and traveled everywhere from the Great Wall of China to the Great Barrier Reef. She’s now a full time blogger and travel writer who chronicles her adventures across the globe on www.twenty-somethingtravel.com.