Saver's Savior

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Xavier St. Cloud wants to hate the world, wants to be angry at it. He doesn’t want to be part of it anymore. He wants to go on and see the brother’s in arms that were killed before his eyes. Emiko Nara is so afraid of the world she barely interacts in it. She has never stood up for herself ever, even after her family disowned her for something she never had control over. When Emiko decides to stand up for herself for the first time in her life, it’s to a thief with a knife. Xavier can’t help but react on instinct to the cries for help, and when he does he finds something that might just keep him from trying to follow his fallen brothers. Can the shy little Emiko be brave and save the shattered Marine from his own personal hell?

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About Yasmina Kohl

Yasmina is from a small town in the middle of...naw you know better. Yasmina is originally from Vancouver, WA and then after the Navy & college ended up in Grays Harbor County with her husband and her two kids and the two black cats. During the day she keeps the people happy or tries to anyway. At night she tries to keep her sanity by escaping aforementioned family to write down what the evil muses have shoved in her brain all day. Her sarcastic sense of humor has and will continue to get her in trouble but hey who cares?

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