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In the FitBehavior stories, learn how to create a positive mental attitude, be open to new things, set goals, incorporate strong community and camaraderie, find a coach or trainer, create a diet plan, increase your happiness...become addicted to active, healthy living and enjoy it!\r\n\r\nEveryone can change their behavior. And more importantly, everyone can reap the benefits of fitter living. 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Devin regularly braves the break along the chilly Washington coast, and has summited both Mount Rainier and Mount Hood. For more intense exercise, he tries to keep up with his two young sons.\r\nWhen he’s not indoors with a pen and paper or outdoors in the Pacific Northwest, Devin is a recognized thought leader in the design industry. His work spans a wide range of design strategy\r\nassignments for clients including Amazon.com, The Allen Institute for Brain Science, GE, Macy’s, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Nordstrom, Pernod Ricard, Seattle Symphony, and Starbucks. 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By thinking about the meanings of these words students will begin to see how these meanings are reflected in their lives. Students will enjoy this time with themselves. It is time well thought!\r\nThe goal of the High School book is to supply teenagers with the basic tools to begin thinking in a serious way about their future, a future that will move them beyond test taking and getting good grades. 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Within days, an earthquake-tsunami-nuclear calamity of terrifying proportions shocked Japan and sent the world reeling once again, even as the globe’s financial markets shuddered to sustain themselves while states and nations tottered on the brink of bankruptcy—where many still linger. All of this, of course, we did notice. What we may have missed was that ancient predictions for this period of time called for exactly this: simultaneous environmental, political, and financial disasters. Were we seeing the beginning of “the end of history”—and not picking up the signal? In his prescient new book "The Storm before the Calm," seven-time New York Times best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch offers a startling answer: yes. But Walsch also says there is nothing to fear, advancing an extraordinary explanation for what is happening even now all over the planet. Then—and more importantly—he provides a stunning prescription for healing our lives and our world through the answering of seven simple questions, inviting people everywhere to join in an earth-saving exchange on his website. 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The Shift doesn’t mean that we lose our drive and ambition; it signifies that we become ambitious about something new. 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They were written when you did not know how to feel, when you were too tired to dream, when you were in need.\" \r\n \r\n\"Missives: Letters to a friend\" is a compilation of compliments, a word of encouragement, a moment upon which to meditate. \r\n \r\nTaken from the popular postings at MrsMetaphor.com each \"missive\" harbors its own particular wisdom and endeavors to meet you on the long, dusty road with a glass of water.", "editorial_featured": false, "editorial_featured_category": false, "editorial_most_popular": false, "editorial_new_release": false, "epub_file": "/media/corp/6f5d33eb-9e44-4deb-96bc-d4a4a279bfbb/ibook-bn_6f5d33eb-9e44-4deb-96bc-d4a4a279bfbb.epub", "has_audio": false, "has_image": false, "has_video": false, "ibook_url": "", "is_active": true, "is_free": false, "keywords": ",encouragement,poetry,letters,spirituality,affirmations,friend", "language": "English", "mobi_file": "/media/corp/6f5d33eb-9e44-4deb-96bc-d4a4a279bfbb/mobi_6f5d33eb-9e44-4deb-96bc-d4a4a279bfbb.mobi", "price": "0.99", "primary_author_asset_location": "/media/corp/contributors/209", "primary_author_bio": "", "primary_author_facebook": "", "primary_author_googleplus": "", "primary_author_linkedin": "", "primary_author_name": "Angela Doll Carlson", "primary_author_photo": "", "primary_author_twitter": "", "primary_author_website": "", "publishers": "DoxaLogos", "rating": 0, "slug": "missives-letters-to-a-friend", "stylesheet": "default.css", "title": "Missives: Letters to a Friend"}, {"amazon_url": "", "asset_location": "/media/corp/192ab651-3dbd-4fd5-85da-ac91a1c84af4", "audience": "Trade (Most General Category)", "authors": "Stephen R. 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You’ll learn the fascinating \"Major System\" method for memorize long numbers, sequences, words and speeches.\r\n Whether your memory simply isn’t the steel trap it used to be, or you simply want to make your good memory even better, this Vook will help you do just that. 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