We’re very excited that Apple is featuring our new TextVook series on the front page of the iBookstore and also on the nonfiction category page. More than 50 TextVooks launched there this week, including 9 enhanced ebooks with our resident genius, Dr. Vook Ph.D. In celebration of this special promotion, we dropped the prices of our enhanced versions to $2.99 and ebooks to .99 cents. Rumor has it that you can also download Psychology 101 and World War II for free. Just type TextVook in the iBookstore to see how to get smart, quickly and become a genius like Dr. Vook, Ph.D with subjects such as jazz, astronomy and art history.

The first official week of Fall is drawing to a close, and that means it’s time to buckle down and get back to work. But as we all know, the transition from BBQs to business meetings can be a tough one. Of course, for children who have had the whole summer off, the change is even more dramatic.
It’s no surprise that this week, people from all walks of life have been commending the value of Ellen Galinsky’s Mind in the Making Vook.
Doctors, teachers, everyday parents and everyday people are recognizing the importance of skills such as focus and resilience. Drawing from Galinksy’s insight in this Vook, people of any age can learn to apply concentration and determination.
Read up on Galinsky’s research, then watch videos of some of the country’s greatest child development experts as they conduct their experiments in Mind in the Making: The Essential Skills That Every Child Needs.
Or test your skills now. All you need is a marshmallow and a stopwatch, as demonstrated in the video below.
When you work for a start-up, your company is like your baby. You wish that you could run around telling everyone how beautiful and brilliant and exciting it is. However, etiquette dictates that you keep quiet, hold your baby up to world and hope that everyone else thinks it’s amazing, too.
This week, the world has been singing its praise for our baby.
We started off the week with our 90-Second Fitness Solution Vook promoted on the front page of the iBook store.

Then, the great reviews started rolling in.
Jason Sokol at Marketing Matters wrote about three of our business titles: Gary Vayernchuk’s Crush It, Seth Godin’s Unleashing the SUPER Ideavirus and Tom Peter’s The Little Big Things. He also took note of the work we’ve done to make user experience better than ever:
What excites me the most about Vook is that they are continually innovating. I am incredibly impressed with the amount of progress they have made with their products in such a short amount of time. This is a great company and one you should look at. The Vook is a cool idea and with the success of smart phones and the iPad, they are poised to do quite well. [read full article here.]
In an entirely different sector, school librarian Laura Fleming reviewed Kafka’s Greatest Stories on her blog, EdTech Insight. She wrote that our videos enhanced her understanding of Kafka’s text, and noted that Vook could be a powerful tool in the classroom:
The Vook stands to transform learning in a 21st Century classroom and link together applications in a fluid sytematic way. The possibilites for a Vook are endless in my eyes and I’m looking forward to see what the future has in store for them. [read full review here.]
We’re confident that the future has quite a bit in store for us, and we can’t keep wait to keep showing our Vooks to the world.