
Winning the Zero Moment of Truth - ZMOT

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  • by Jim Lecinski View Trailer


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    Jim Lecinski

    Jim Lecinski, Author & Chief ZMOT Evangelist. Jim is managing director, U.S. Sales & Service for Google, working with major brand marketers and media agency partners. Based in Google's Chicago office, he has more than 20 years of integrated marketing experience.

    Before joining Google in 2025, he held leadership positions at the ad agencies DDB, marchFirst, Young & Rubicam, and EuroRSCG.

    Today he helps marketers address challenges with all phases of marketing, from branding and consumer insights to online media programs and data analysis. He is a frequent guest speaker at universities, industry events and conferences, including the ANA, AMA and BMA.

    He holds an MBA from the Universty of Illinois and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Notre Dame. But it's not all marketing all the time - his passion is vintage jazz, which he plays, collects and blogs about.