This Vook combines the classic story "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux with the original black and white, silent film created by Universal Pictures in 1925. The original videos helps recapture the chilling tone of the original novel. This haunting story follows the crazed obsession of an opera ghost, who falls in love with a young ingenue, named Christine who is struggling in the chorus of the opera, with dreams of becoming more. The Phantom convinces Christine that he will help her become a star, but Christine's love interest, Raoul, soon learns of her plight and refuses to lose her to the crazed "Angel of Music". Between falling chandeliers and terrifying journeys into the underground cellars below the Opera House, this story is sure to keep you on your toes until the last page.
Gaston Leroux
Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and author of detective fiction and he wrote "Phantom of the Opera" in 1910. Gaston Leroux was born in Paris where he studied law until he inherited millions of francs and began to spend lavishly until he reached near bankruptcy. He went on to have several jobs, including being a court reporter and a theater critic. Later in his career, he began working as an international correspondent for the Paris newspaper Le Matin. Some critics claim that one of the most important cases he was present at involved the investigation and deep coverage of the former Paris Opera and now the Paris Ballet. Supposedly, the basement contained a cell that held prisoners of the Paris Commune, which may have been the inspiration behind his famous novel, "Phantom of the Opera". Gaston quickly left journalism in 1907, and began writing fiction. In 1909, he and Arthur Bernède formed their own film company, so they could publish novels simultaneously and turn them into films.
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Universal Pictures
This film was created by Universal pictures in 1925 and was directed by Rupert Julian, Ernst Laemmle, and Edward Sedgwick. The film was produced by Carl Laemmle and really followed the storyline of the orginial story written by Gaston Leroux.
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28 Chapters 16 Videos
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