/* Theme Name: Vook */ /* Hiding the adminbar for now, * unless we want to bring it * back for some odd reason */ #wpadminbar{ display: none; } .no_margin_bottom{ margin-bottom: 0; } body{ background-repeat: repeat; } header.head h1{ z-index: 4; text-indent: -9999px; background-image: url("images/logo.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center -4px; height: 103px; width: 140px; left: 17px; position: absolute; } header.head .logo { display:block; width: 100%; height: 103px; } a.try_vook_free{ background-image: url("images/tryvookfree-banner.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 152px; height: 108px; position: absolute; top: -9px; right: -9px; z-index: 10; } .row h1{ font-weight: normal; } .large.button{ padding: 10px 21px 10px; } .panel.texture{ padding-top: 50px; } .panel.curve{ position:relative; } .quotes{ text-align: right; } .quotes h3 { text-align: left; } .quotes q{ text-align: left; font-size: 1.9em; line-height: 1.3em; font-style: italic; font-family: serif; 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