Comments on: Publishers Take Note: The Kindle Fire means Increased eBook Sales VookMaker: eBooks made easy Sat, 01 Oct 2025 03:13:41 -0400 hourly 1 By: Amazon Kindle Announcement Roundup | Digital Book World Amazon Kindle Announcement Roundup | Digital Book World Wed, 28 Sep 2025 22:01:44 +0000 [...] Publishers Take Note: The Kindle Fire means Increased eBook Sales Jeffrey Yowziak, Vook Amazon is already experiencing pre-orders for the Kindle Fire, and we’ll also see regular Kindle sales jump. When the iPad launched, Vook sales tripled the next day and have only increased since then. When the iPad 2 launched, we also saw a significant lift in sales. Devices just move more books. And kudos to Amazon for picking a magic price point. Ereaders will be in the hands of more of readers soon, and you can expect that they’ll be demanding high-quality digital content as well. [...] [...] Publishers Take Note: The Kindle Fire means Increased eBook Sales Jeffrey Yowziak, Vook Amazon is already experiencing pre-orders for the Kindle Fire, and we’ll also see regular Kindle sales jump. When the iPad launched, Vook sales tripled the next day and have only increased since then. When the iPad 2 launched, we also saw a significant lift in sales. Devices just move more books. And kudos to Amazon for picking a magic price point. Ereaders will be in the hands of more of readers soon, and you can expect that they’ll be demanding high-quality digital content as well. [...]
